Convincing lighting design

Effective lighting concepts are no coincidence. Lighting in retail has the task of brilliantly and authentically showcasing the goods and promoting sales. At the same time, the elaborated lighting concept should provide orientation in the space, reduce energy costs, and be sustainable.


The four phases of lighting design

Ansorg relies on concept-based lighting planning for retail stores. By dividing it into four phases, we ensure not only brilliant lighting results but also consider all parameters and customer expectations to achieve the set goals in synergy. The basis for this is always a detailed analysis of the existing lighting concept with the development of specific improvement potentials.


The future lighting concept incorporates sales-psychological, technical, and emotional factors. This creates real added value for our customers. The final step before final approval consists of an application test in our LightRoom. This gives our customers confidence in their investment decision.



To the LightRoom


Our mission is retail light. Since 1955.

Our lighting design experts will develop a lighting concept for you that is tailored to your needs. The basis for the concept is an analysis of the current lighting solution and a precise definition of the objectives to be achieved with the new lighting concept.


»Good retail light is the result of an in-depth analysis.«

Niklas Reiners, Lighting Application Manager Ansorg

Our lighting design experts have the know-how and passion to make your lighting projects work. During the planning process all the details of the holistic lighting concept are defined. We particularly focus on the emotional effect because light can sub-consciously influence consumers and their purchase decisions.


»Good retail light is a combination of functional and emotional planning.«

Yvonne Frölich, Head of Lighting Design Ansorg

We create the perfect mix by testing various combinations of light intensity, light colour, colour rendering and light distribution. The concept isn’t finalised until the illuminated products look authentic and brilliant.


»Good retail light is difficult to describe. You have to experience it.«

Marc Cornelius, Head of Sales Central Europe

Even in the concept planning phase we are thinking ahead to the realisation phase, which often takes place in the form of a large-scale, international roll-out. Ultimately, lighting concepts are only successful if their implementation is well-organised and cost effective.


»Good retail light can be achieved by considering the implementation phase from the outset of the project.«

Anne Lippert, Head of Customer Project Management Ansorg

Sustainable Lighting Design

Professional in-store lighting concepts are an important factor in the energy efficiency equation, alongside efficient product technology. The lighting design team at Ansorg specialises in maximising efficiency by using the minimum number of luminaires necessary. The sustainable planning of lighting concepts reduced total watts per square metre (W/m²) by around 10% in the past year.
Read more here.



Good retail light doesn’t just promote sales, it’s also sustainable.

Every industry, whether automotive, food, fashion, health & beauty or home store, has its own specific target group and product characteristics. Please contact us! We will be happy to advise you.

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