Omni-layered Retail

The future of retail stores illuminated by pioneers who are consistently breaking new ground. The Ansorg panel "Omni-layered Retail - Extending the in-store experience" provided deep insights into how the transformation from the classic stationary shop to a place of encounter and individual experiences can be implemented. A new generation with a changed understanding of consumption is no longer just looking for products or a specific brand.

The physical experience shapes the brand image.

» Engaging experiences do make sense in terms of adding value. «

Robert Thieman, Editor FRAME magazine

» We lend out our stores free of cost to enable them to become destination points for whoever. «

Sanaz Dizaj Parham, Brand Director Axel Arigato

More from Sanaz Dizaj Parham

» Our stores are designed around the idea of fostering human connection. We create spaces that invites the opportunity to evolve and change. «

Sanaz Dizaj Parham, Brand Director Axel Arigato

» Who are we? And how do we build our stores as cultural destinations where customers actually want to go? «

Sanaz Dizaj Parham, Brand Director Axel Arigato

» The next generation of consumers is going to demand a lot more value in every in-store experience. «

Sanaz Dizaj Parham, Brand Director Axel Arigato

» I like that idea of a space constantly being aware of the people, that are in it and what time of day it is, and being constantly in motion. «

Daan Lucas, Founder Random Studio, Netherlands

More from Daan Lucas

» Stores are great locations, that allow individual experiences. You don't tell a directed story of your brand. You try to create a story that allows for contribution. «

Daan Lucas, Founder Random Studio, Netherlands

» Keeping up the dialog with people that you care for is essential. After all, it is much more attractive if people talk about your brand on their own channels. «

Daan Lucas, Founder Random Studio, Netherlands

» The clubs are there to build the experience. You can never copy an experience. It's how we physically build the brand. «

Alain Visser, CEO Lynk & Co, Sweden

More from Alain Visser

» If you ask customers, "Did you like it?" and they say, "Yes", then it's boring, then it's just not good enough. «

Alain Visser, CEO Lynk & Co, Sweden

» People are spending more money on doing things and less money on buying things. Terefore, it is really about building the brand, building the experience. «

Alain Visser, CEO Lynk & Co, Sweden

» Our aim is to make you discover rooms that are very different. Each club is very, very different. «

Alain Visser, CEO Lynk & Co, Sweden

» Pairing the right lighting with the space is always top of mind for whatever we do at Ansorg. «

Simon Parry, Ansorg UK

More from Simon Parry

» Our expertise and enthusiasm for retail lighting bring the future of retail to life.«

Simon Parry, Ansorg UK

Every industry, whether automotive, food, fashion, health & beauty or home store, has its own specific target group and product characteristics. Please contact us! We will be happy to advise you.

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