Customer journey: the entrance


The store entrance area functions as a multifaceted projection screen that appeals to a variety of human instincts. It can activate feelings of fear, flight and curiosity, or the instinctive urge to find something to identify with. Customers who recognise and identify with a store’s distinctive visual identity feel a magnetic pull and a deeper connection with it. The entrance area performs a brand ambassador role by guiding customers into the store and triggering emotional responses.


Modern lighting design tends to use a lot of light in the entrance area to make a big impression. However, this can make new customers feel as if the spotlight is on them because the bright light puts the other areas of the store in the shade.

This conflicts with their natural instincts. For example, people don’t want to be thrust into the limelight straight away. They prefer to stay incognito for a while so they can check everyone else out.